In addition to their amazing skills on the grill, three of our Bear Mountain ambassadors have taken their favorite BBQ flavors and made them into mouth watering rubs that pair well with all kinds of meats and vegetables.
Brian Gurney of BAD BONES BBQ, Brothers Mark and Jamie Williams of Swine Life BBQ, and stand-up comedian and serious BBQ enthusiast Dave Williamson have all debuted killer rubs that go well on all kinds of meats and vegetables.

Brian Gurney, who hails from the Pacific Northwest, has traveled the country and even the world with his wife Shelly, bringing their culinary creations to barbecue competitions of all sizes. The BAD BONES BBQ team has won 19 Grand Championships, 11 Reserve Grand Championships and many more. But during the pandemic, when most all BBQ competitions were canceled, Gurney focused on building his brand and perfecting several sauces and rubs.
“I worked on these nonstop from March until November 2020, getting the product just right, designing the labels, putting everything into production,” he says. “I’m proud with how they turned out and really happy so many people are enjoying them.”
Today, BAD BONES BBQ sells six sauces, seven rubs, a bird brine, and a chili dump. Check them all out here.

The Williams brothers grew up around the grill, making dishes for their family and community in the town of Hernando, Mississippi.
“Barbecue can bring people together and turn a sad situation into something better,” Mark Williams says. “People think barbecue is just food, but it’s so much more than that.”
The brothers tried their first local BBQ competition in 2013 and won. After that, they were hooked. They named their team Swine Life BBQ and hit the road, competing every weekend. They placed in more than a dozen competitions. In 2017, the brothers started scaling back on their competitions, taking a look at the brand they created and what they wanted to do with it. To better cater to their audience, the Williams brothers built up Swine Life BBQ, launching a line of rubs, plus a website and social media channels.
Today, they have more than four rubs. Their latest creation, the Prime Beef Rub, is flying off the shelves. Check them out here.

From his neighborhood in El Segundo to his professional network across the U.S., Dave Williamson has come to be known as a serious grilling enthusiast, a “Weekend Warrior of Meats,” as he puts it.
Whether he’s in his front yard, barbecuing on his 900-pound Assassin 32 Gravity-fed Insulated Smoker, interviewing famous pitmasters for his podcast Meat Dave or sharing grilling tips with comics before a live set, he’s found a way to blend his passion for BBQ with his work as a comedian.
”I was always known as the comedy guy around town, and now I’m known as the BBQ guy,” he says. “People walk by our front yard when I’m grilling, knowing they may get a sample.”
After getting so many questions from fans and followers about his favorite type of rub, he decided to launch his own. Meat Dave All Purpose Rub works great when coated on beef, pork, or other proteins and creates a killer bark. Check it out here.
Earlier this year, Bear Mountain had the pleasure of partnering with Williamson for his America, Meat Dave tour, where he went cross-country putting on stand-up comedy shows at BBQ joints from San Diego, California, to Birmingham, Alabama. Williamson hopes to do another tour like this in the near future.
At Bear Mountain, we appreciate big flavors and know what it takes to develop the perfect mix of seasonings to take your BBQ game to a whole new level. That’s why we’re glad to share the work of these three BBQers and their carefully crafted products.