Nothing signals the start of summer like the smell of delicious barbecue foods. Cooking on a pellet grill gives foods a distinct and bold flavor uniquely suited to summer, but you may have become frustrated after noticing temperature fluctuations when using your grill.
Maybe you set your grill to 250 degrees Fahrenheit but notice it swings higher, then perhaps dips a bit below before averaging out. Several factors can cause these fluctuations. Read on to learn what they are and how you can combat them!
- Are Pellet Grill Temperature Fluctuations Normal?
- What Causes Pellet Grill Temperature Swings?
- How to Stop Pellet Grill Temperature Swings
- Energex BBQ Pellets Are The Perfect Choice for Grilling Season
Are Pellet Grill Temperature Fluctuations Normal?
It’s natural for your pellet grill to experience mild temperature fluctuations as you use it. Pellet grills cook on an average — just like the oven in your kitchen. This means the cooking temperature might fluctuate higher or lower than the set temperature throughout the cooking time. Small pellet grill temperature swings are normal, especially if you are using a slow-cooking method that requires keeping your grill on for a prolonged period.
However, you might experience more intense temperature fluctuations that exceed 20-30 degrees. In this case, consult the following list to see what might be causing the fluctuation and what you can do to stop it.
What Causes Pellet Grill Temperature Swings?
Several factors can cause pellet grill temperature fluctuations, including the following:
Malfunctioning Parts
Your first instinct might be that your grill is malfunctioning when you notice temperature fluctuations while cooking. Malfunctioning parts can be the cause of temperature swings, but there are normal pellet grill temperature fluctuations.
If you suspect a faulty part is the cause of the temperature fluctuations, get in touch with the grill’s manufacturer to get more information.
Ambient Temperatures
Outdoor temperatures can affect your grill’s internal temperature. For example, on hot and humid days, the grill’s temperature might swing past the temperature you set it at before returning to the set temp. The moisture in the air on humid days will make your wood pellets combust more quickly, meaning higher temperatures.
The opposite is also true — if you bring your grill out in the cold winter months, the temperature might swing low, especially in the presence of high winds or elements such as snow.
You can combat high heat temperatures by keeping your grill out of direct sunlight. You can also shield your grill from intense winds or use an insulated grill blanket.
Low-Quality Pellets or Running Out of Pellets
Pellet grills have sensors that help regulate temperature. Bad quality pellets can interfere with these sensors by creating excess ash, possibly causing temperatures to fluctuate.
Likewise, your grill’s temperature can drop if you run out of pellets while cooking. Keep an eye on the pellets inside your grill to help ensure you don’t run out during the cooking process.
Changing Cooking Temperatures Often
If you alter your set cooking temperature often, you might experience issues with your girl maintaining the temperature you set it at. If you have to change your grill temperature multiple times, leave some gaps between the changes to give the grill time to catch up.
Loose Foil
Many grilling enthusiasts use foil to protect the broiler plate from grease and keep cleanup easy. This is a great time-saving technique but can affect your grill’s temperature.
Aim to use a strong foil that won’t tear. Also, make sure you wrap foil tightly — loosely wrapped foil means the air will not be able to circulate properly inside of the pellet grill.
Improper Air Circulation
Large pans can block grill airflow, and improper airflow can cause disruptions to the grill’s temperature. When using pans for grilling, try to leave a small gap between the edge of the pan and the side of the grill to encourage airflow.
Opening the Grill Lid Too Often
You might feel tempted to open the lid to check if your food is cooking, but doing so is largely unnecessary. In fact, the more you open your grill, the longer it will take to cook the delicious food inside.
A Dirty Temperature Probe
You can see the internal temperatures of your pallet grill because of a resistance temperature detector (RTD). This temperature probe senses the temperature and relays it to the control board for you to read. It’s essential to clean the temperature probe regularly so you get an accurate reading. If you neglect to clean the probe, it could get dirty and start causing your grill temps to fluctuate.
How to Stop Pellet Grill Temperature Swings
If you think one of these problems is plaguing your pellet grill, check out the following tips for how to stop temperature swings:
1. Try to Keep the Lid Closed
As mentioned, keeping your grill lid closed allows food to cook without interruption or exposure to ambient temperatures. Stay strong against the temptation to open the lid while cooking. Keeping your grill lid closed as much as possible will save time and help you avoid fluctuating temperatures.
2. Follow Proper Procedures for Powering the Grill On and Off
Make sure to follow the directions that come with your grill when powering it up and turning it off. If you turn on or shut down the grill incorrectly, you could face some temperature fluctuations when you go to cook.
3. Keep the Grill and Its Parts Clean
Your shutdown routine should include the proper maintenance to keep your pellet grill and its parts clean. If you let the grill get dirty, you could be dealing with problems such as excess grease and ash buildup.
A clean grill will help maintain adequate airflow, which means temperatures will stay more regulated.
4. Use Good Quality Pellets
Quality grilling pellets truly make a difference in your grilling experience and the end product you create. You can identify high-quality pellets if they have a nice sheen to their appearance and make a snapping sound when they’re broken.
Wood pellets should generate as much heat and as little ash as possible. Energex provides the highest quality wood pellets you can use in your pellet grill to cook incredible dishes.
Energex BBQ Pellets Are the Perfect Choice for Grilling Season
Quality grilling pellets should hold a consistent temperature, and the barbecue pellets from Energex are excellent for grilling. Our pellets are made of natural wood and help you create smoky flavors for all your outdoor cooking occasions. They are also certified under the Pellet Fuels Institute (PFI) standards program.
See how our apple or hickory barbecue pellets can elevate your grilling. Find a dealer and start grilling the best veggies, meats and sides for you and your guests, or contact us for more information!